Chapter 2188 Damn Dress: A Love Story:>68
- Sienna sighed. She hated hurting his feelings. She really had appreciated him being there for her when her world was crumbling because of her crazy feelings for Brandon. But, she appreciated his friendship only. And she wished Chris would feel the same way too. "Chris, I, I love Brandon. And I probably always will. He's my soul-mate. Even if we weren't together, I'd still want him. The kind of love I feel with Brandon...I swear, you only get that once. Once you've had it, nothing else can come close. And you deserve to be loved like that."
- "I know, but I think over time, you would learn to love me. Maybe not like you do him, but I know I would love you enough for the both of us. I'm a pretty good guy, you know. Even despite my behavior this summer."
- "I know that, Chris, and thank you for being there for me when I needed you. Even when you saw me fall apart, you never seemed to judge me, and I'm grateful for that. I really am," Sienna stated, as she reached up to hug him.